On 31 January 2024, the info days “FIT: Women in Technology” took place at the FH Technikum Wien, among others. This event, which was organised as part of the AMS programme “Women in Trades and Technology” (FiT), aimed to get women interested in technical professions and pave the way for them into technology.

Hilda Tellioğlu, a prominent figure in the engineering industry and academic director of the Centre for Technology and Society, was present at the event as a role model. As an experienced engineer, Associate Professor and role model for many young women, she shared her experiences and insights about the path into technology.

The participants had the opportunity to gain their first insights into a technical degree programme and gain valuable experience in the field of engineering. Hilda Tellioğlu encouraged the women to pursue their passion for technology and play an active role in shaping the future.

The FiT pre-qualification programmes at the FH Technikum Wien offer women the opportunity to acquire technical know-how and prepare for a degree course. The AMS finances the tuition fees for FiT students and provides monthly financial support for the six semesters of the Bachelor’s programme.

We would like to thank Hilda Tellioğlu and all participants for their enthusiasm and commitment to the advancement of women in technology. Together we are shaping a diverse and innovative future!

Further information on the FiT pre-qualification programmes can be found on the FH Technikum Wien website.