The CTS//circle.responsibleComputing is hosting the second brown bag talk of the new semester on Relational matters: Arts-based Spatial Education & Media Ecology with Theresa Schütz. Please join us in person or online.
About the speaker
Theresa Schütz is a PhD student in the doctoral programme STE[A+]M at TU Vienna, Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning, Institute of Art and Design. Her research projects examined urban vacancy, the politics of public space and young people’s agency in the context of eco-social change. Schütz engages with public and social spaces in artistic research and transdisciplinary projects. She uses site-specific, performative and relational means to explore what can be negotiated and sensually experienced between us and the other, between things and places. She works independently between art and urbanism, cultural education and architecture, and curates a space for art and transdisciplinary collaboration in Vienna.

Seminar details
- Perspectives on Designing Interactive Technologies for Wellbeing
- Theresa Schütz
- 14. November 2024 12:00 - 13:00
- TU Wien: Gußhausstraße 27 - 29, 1040 Wien (Room: CA0335) and online
Abstract: I ask how art-based collaborative spatial practices can create learnscapes for children and youth to engage with their environment in a post-digital culture. I will present an example of a participatory scenography workshop to enhance futures literacy by staging children's multi-perspectives on a wasteland in Vienna, retelling alternative futures for the new green transition. Our approach was to interweave analogue and digital realms of experience to bring the here and now into consciousness as a creative space of possibility, a place where we can expand future realities and effect real change. We will go through the scientific and pedagogical concepts of media ecology, which have been explored in parallel with the emergence of mass media that are causing relevant changes in the way we perceive, understand and relate to the world. We aim to incorporate this relational media ecology perspective into an open discussion on the responsible and situated use of media in educational contexts to augment futures in the face of global ecological crises.